Python Cheat Sheet

Python Basics: File I/O


Python provides powerful tools for handling files through a concept known as File Input/Output (I/O). File I/O allows you to read data from files and write data to files, making it an essential skill for working with persistent data. Whether you’re building a data processing pipeline, creating a web application, or working on a machine learning project, understanding how to interact with files is fundamental.

Files serve as a bridge between your program and the outside world, enabling you to store and retrieve data for future use. They can contain text, binary data, configuration settings, or any other type of information you need to work with. With Python’s File I/O capabilities, you can seamlessly integrate file handling operations into your code, enabling efficient data storage, retrieval, and manipulation.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the basics of File I/O in Python, covering various types of file operations. You’ll learn how to read data from files, write data to files, append content to existing files, and work with binary files. We’ll provide example code blocks for each type, giving you a clear understanding of how to use File I/O in practice.

Types of File I/O in Python:

1. Reading from Files:

Reading data from files is a common operation in Python. The open() function is used to open a file, and the read() method is used to retrieve the contents. Here’s an example:

# Open the file in read mode
 file = open("example.txt","r")
 # Read the contents of the file
 content =
 # Print the content
 # Close the file

In this example, we use the open() function to open the file “example.txt” in read mode. We read the file’s contents using the read() method and store it in the content variable. The content is then printed, and the file is closed using the close() method.

2. Writing to Files:

Writing data to files allows you to store information for later use. The open() function can also be used in write mode, and the write() method is used to add content. Here’s an example:

# Open the file in write mode
 file = open("example.txt","w")
 # Write content to the file
 file.write("Hello, World!")
 # Close the file

In this example, we open the file “example.txt” in write mode and write the text “Hello, World!” to it using the write() method. Finally, we close the file.

3. Appending to Files:

If you want to add content to an existing file without overwriting its current contents, you can open it in append mode using the open() function with the “a” parameter. Here’s an example:

# Open the file in append mode
 file = open("example.txt","a")
 # Append content to the file
 file.write("Appending additional content!")
 # Close the file

In this example, we open the file “example.txt” in append mode, allowing us to add content without overwriting the existing content. We use the write() method to append the text “Appending additional content!” to the file. The file is then closed.

4. Reading and Writing Binary Files:

In addition to working with text files, Python can handle binary files. Binary files store data in a more compact and efficient manner. To read or write binary data, use the “rb” (read binary) and “wb” (write binary) modes. Here’s an example:

# Read binary data from a file
 with open("image.png","rb") as file:
     binary_data =
 # Write binary data to a file
 with open("copy_image.png","wb") as file:

In this example, we demonstrate how to read and write binary data using Python’s File I/O capabilities. To read binary data, we open a file in “rb” (read binary) mode, use the read() method to retrieve the binary data, and store it in a variable. To write binary data, we open a file in “wb” (write binary) mode, and use the write() method to add binary data to the file.

It’s important to handle the file properly, and the code uses the with statement to ensure the file is automatically closed when the operations are complete.


File I/O is a crucial aspect of programming, allowing you to work with external files for data storage, retrieval, and manipulation. In this article, we covered the basics of File I/O in Python, including reading from files, writing to files, appending to files, and handling binary data. With this knowledge, you can confidently handle various file operations in your Python programs, opening up a world of possibilities for data management and persistence.

By mastering File I/O in Python, you gain the ability to handle data persistence, work with external data sources, and manage various file formats. Whether you’re processing text files, storing configuration settings, or working with binary data like images or audio files, understanding File I/O is essential. Also if you incorporating File I/O into your skillset, you’ll have the necessary tools to build data processing pipelines, perform analysis on large datasets, and develop applications that interact with external files. Embrace the power of File I/O in Python, and enhance your programming capabilities in data management and storage.

Remember to close files after usage to release system resources, and consider using the with statement for automatic file closing. With these techniques, you can efficiently integrate file handling operations into your Python programs and unlock the full potential of working with persistent data.

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